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"You know what I've been thinking about lately?" she says, again distracting you from trying to listen in to Candi and Lawrence.
"This is going to sound crazy," she says, smiling excitedly. "But do you remember Heavy Metal 2000?"
Heavy Metal 2000. That's a title you haven't thought about in a long time. A long time.
"Of course I do," you say. Tits, gore, NuMetal, Michael Ironside. What more could a growing boy possibly want?
"You told me you downloaded some weird anime movie," she says, already starting to laugh, her hand covering her mouth defensively. "God, you were so excited. You thought it was some hidden gem or something. And then you put on fucking Heavy Metal 2000." She can't contain her laughter anymore and lets it all out.
You smile too. It comes natural, you can't help it. It's equal parts embarrassment and nostalgia. "It was fun," you say, a little defensively. "There were lizard men and lasers."
"It was so <span class="mu-i">bad</span>!" She laughs harder.
You shake your head, still smiling. "Go ahead. Rub it in."
"You called it 'an anime'!" She's dying of laughter.
You were a total rube. Weird to say now how sophisticated Annie seemed back then just because she had <span class="mu-i">unrestricted internet access</span>. Amazing how far behind the curve you felt by living in the stone age. What little internet time you had was usually given over entirely to downloading music and pirating music software.
"You said you liked anime," you say. "And I thought I could find something you hadn't seen before."
"Well you did!" Her laugh trails off naturally. "But you're right. It was fun. I think about it a lot."
"I'm sorry."
She laughs again, her mouth covered, before fixing you with a haughty, confident look. The look of someone who has power over you and is enjoying exercising it. "Do you remember when you said I looked like Julie Strain?"
You Casanova. Now it's your turn to be embarrassed. You really watched a shitass, dog awful, fraudulent sequel of a movie and then told your crush that she reminded you of the amazon bimbo main character? God. The pain. Fuck, it's a good thing you became a soulless, remorseless killer or you would be totally hopeless with women.
Normally it might be hard to know for sure if she's flirting but based on her earlier slip it seems pretty clear that she is. Candi seems to think so too. Her eyes flash in the mirror, her smile souring as her attention goes from Lawrence back to you.
>Tall, good looking, stacked. You're a dead ringer for Julie Strain.
>I hope you don't hold it against me too much. I thought that was a nice thing to say.
>You'll have to forgive me for my questionable taste in film. It was a long time ago.
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