>>5963145>>5962644“Alice, I have to ask you to ask this question tomorrow.”
“The short answer: I am going to go punch some ords to stretch my arms right now. The long answer is I need to collect my thoughts as I have a lot of things going on in the background. I am not kidding, the sheer amount of bullshit on my head is so stupid and I want to get everything in order to give you a complete report tomorrow.”
“Can’t you do this right now?”
“I could but I want to first see if resisting is even possible at my weakest. If I can’t get through the afternoon with my goal then there would be no point to continue fighting. So I don’t want to waste your time dumping dangerous information on you if I can’t handle the pressure and give up.”
“Sheesh, that sounds like a lot of problems piling up.”
“You have no idea so I want to get through today and tomorrow I will answer all your questions to the best of my ability.”
“Okay I will hold you to that and wait for tomorrow. Now anything else before you go off to do boy things?”
“Do you have anything that sends secret messages?”
“That would be a message cantrip. I have to look through the chapters and find them for tomorrow's session.”
“I can lo-” *Ping.* Says William as he looks at his phone seeing the text message from Virgil about two Ords making their way to the forest.
“You got a date?”
“Nah, a friend of mine sent me my work for the afternoon. Okay I will be back in the morning for that message cantrip.”
“Don’t show up too early, I am not a morning person.”
“Kay see you tomorrow nerd!”
William exits the library as Virgil is leaning against the wall near the entrance as he hands over the modified mana guards letting William put them on. Feeling the cold plastic touch his bare skin with him making a mental note to add padding for the next blueprint level.
“Okay so I got two guys leaving early and will use a forest path to get by. One would be too easy so I am throwing you at two guys and should be enough to push your limits.”
“Are they dangerous?”
“No, they don’t know how to throw a punch so you will see what you should not do in a fight as you got my memories but you will need to alter the knowledge to fit your style.”
“There are options?”
“Yes, while you have things downloaded your fighting style will be based on your instinct. Rune knights, Animus, and ords have different priorities. Animus fight like animals relying on brute strength and savage attacks to overpower mages, rune knights use their weapons to parry and stay close to their enemies to disrupt magic, and ords rely on footwork to run and dodge everything.”
“Can’t I learn all that at the same time?”
“No as I was only able to give you basic knight training if you want to combine more fancy feats or create combinations you would need to watch or live through real rune knight combat to have examples to learn from.”
Part 1