>>6055134After a short mental scuffle, SHDO gained control of the Kaiju!
"Aww yea- er, tch, I guess it's my burden to carry this mission... try to keep up."
As its first priority is stealth, SHDO wastes no time in ripping some of these plentiful tree-sized mushrooms and tossing it on the Kaiju's back, who takes a more prone stance. Camouflage gained!
But, while it's putting the finishing touches, the Kaiju meets a cyclopean critter's gaze - one that itself adapted to camouflage amidst the fungal forest. The five sub-AIs argue among themselves on what to do, even though SHDO is the one in control.
>CHOOSE ONE (vote normally, rolling's for control contest)>□ PTRT "Whazzat? A trespasser in our territory! Take it prisoner!">□ FLRA "Wait! Let's observe it a while, its mimicry is fascinating!">□ ROAR "EAT, DEVOUR, CONSUME">□ SHDO "Tch... we're seen, we need to slink elsewhere...">□ COMM "Let's ask it for directions! Maybe a few pheromonic signals would do the trick..."