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Krimhild rushes towards you. You look up at her breathing heavily. Blood coats your teeth and drips from your right ear but you can't help but smile when you see her.
"I'm alright.", you promise her: "Krimhild, I..."
Suddenly she gives you a tight hug while crying: "I'm never gonna leave you again."
"Quiet! You said I get the last word, right?", she interrupts you and smiles while dropping tears on you.
With her help you get up and take a break. You make sure the attackers are all dead, and you pick up the hilt of Solstice, not much of the blade is left.
Suddenly the King, who had been quiet so far, says something:
"Wait a moment. I'm very grateful to you, Sir, but..."
He looks at Krimhild:
"Your excellency. We talked about this. You promised to marry my son. You gave your word."
The princess grows pale. She doesn't know what to say.
You grin and spit blood on the ground, and aim the hilt of Solstice at him:
"Didn't you say something along the lines of 'You can take the princess and all my things if you spare my life'? I like that the sound of that promise much better."
You move over to put some of the most expensive looking ornaments in your bag.
She king shivers and barely gets any words out:
"Well... I..."
You look to Krimhild:
"We are gonna have to leave town after this, you know. I don't think the king will be this timid about you running off with me once he has gathered his men again."
She grabs your hand, the left one this time:
"I don't mind."