>>5417081<span class="mu-s">A few minutes later.</span>
The drive went by quickly, a single armored car easily slipping through the many holes in the federation security blockades that are hastily being established across the city. Artesia had some small cuts from falling inside of the guntank, and one of Ramba’s men helps you apply some small bandages. There’s a brief stop at a warehouse where you transfer into a nondescript cargo container - the interior is cushioned and has survival supplies, and Jimba Ral is in there as well! It seems the haggard looking old man will be leaving with you and your siblings to go to earth. You can feel the cargo crate being lifted and then set down again, and then a faint acceleration - they must have loaded you onto a truck or something.
The next twenty minutes are filled with tension, every bump and scrape of the crate as it is moved from the truck and into what must be the cargo port filling your mind with wild ideas. You can’t see anything, and you can barely hear anything but have to remain absolutely quiet regardless. Artesia’s cat almost gets you discovered once by meowing constantly, but it ultimately amounts to nothing but a bad scare. Still, every movement or bump could be the precursor to Zabi goon ripping the crate open and capturing you… or maybe your nerves are just a little frayed from the fighting earlier. You haven’t had much time to process that yet, truth be told. People died, and you’re responsible. The thought doesn’t sit well with you at all.