Last thread: moon has always been a fascinating place.
Earth’s great gray companion has caught the notice and attention of humanity ever since there have been humans to acknowledge it. From using it’s phases to measure and record time, to taking inspiration from it for a wide variety of religious and mythological entities. For as long as humanity has existed, people have looked up into the night sky, and wondered what it would be like to reach up and touch the earth’s celestial partner. Hell, <span class="mu-i">you</span> had similar dreams. Back when you were a young boy, and the newspapers were hailing Luna-2 as the momentous achievement that it was.
It’s such a shame that you’re up here purely to kill people.
You are Senior Lieutenant Aleksei Volkov, of the Military Air Forces of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. It’s been around six or so hours since you first set foot on the moon, as part of the Soviet Union’s contribution to the UN combined battalion. The entire force assembled, and you were soon heading out to bring retribution to your foe. The remains of a failed empire that had once come close to bringing your glorious union to a savage end. The last echoes of the third reich.
You still can’t believe the fact that the Nazis somehow managed to make it all the way up here. But hey, they’re here, and they’ve been dropping lumps of moon rock and metal kinetic rounds across earth for the past few years. So the UN finally came together to put a permanent end to the problem. Soldiers from America rub shoulders with their Soviet counterparts, while brothers from East and West Germany come together to put down the last legacy of their country’s greatest mistake.
Your journey here hasn’t been easy, and the Nazis have taken any opportunity they could to attack the UN force. From missile strikes as you mustered, to an ambush in the shadow of the crater that you were traveling across. They were trying their best to bleed the force dry, to try and save themselves from the inevitable sledgehammer of Earth’s might.
The simple plan of attack hadn’t changed. The entire UN force would advance towards the small sub-crater that the Nazis had occupied, attack over the ridge, and assault the base with supporting fire from the assorted walkers and moon hoppers. Once you entered the base, you were basically on your own, and were expected to try and seize the base.
Of course, you and the rest of the Soviet contingent had a few… additional objectives. And no doubt the Americans and their NATO stooges would probably have their own too. And trying to find out what they were planning was your secondary mission. Killing the Nazis came first though.