>>5660518>>5660698>[2C] + [3]>>5660396>[3] + [2]>>5660304>[1] + [2]Called for [2C] + [3]-- I presume you're just going to Gaslight yourself, while letting Earl take care of his own business.
Considering that you were genuinely physically affected (>>5659283), the change would be internal (i.e. you can't obviously disprove it), and it all just happened, this scenario is super plausible. Good job! I still need dice, though; you're still screwing with reality here.>Please roll me 3 1d100s + 20 (+10 Bones Thickened, +10 Downward) vs. DC 80 (+30 Advanced Advanced Gaslighting) to flex your muscle!Spend 1 ID for +10 to all rolls? You are at 6/14 ID.
>[1] Y>[2] N>>5660396> someone as . . . Concentrated in height and proportionally weighted to that height as uskek
>>5660698Thanks, I agree! This is the artist's comms page (very reasonable pricing): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lkmMhpbe1hcXlcrPW_kGqzcGIqjYbFrtkMQFKqOPRtM/edit