Void take it all what is happening?? Quick!!
You've had some mild forewarning of impeding trouble, so you're not taken totally by surprise. Things are still chaotic but you might be able to save this one yet.
Get into POSITON by picking a point nearby allies. This is a free action. You are sprinting there - you might not end up exactly where you want to be.
Then take SOME SORT OF NORMAL ACTION, NON-OFFENSIVE ACTION - you have 9 AP, but don't need to spend it all on this pre-positioning phase. You can't attack, so don't bother - but now might be the time to shout orders, take cover, form people up, defend, sense and think, grab things from your kit, so on.
You **MUST** spend 3 AP to READY YOUR KIT.
>>6108841So far, Command has been very lenient on what was in your pockets on the assumption that things might wish to change. Now it's blades up and shields out. Now it starts mattering. If you want to have something else than what you had, finalise any adjustments NOW.
When you respond to this post, include an up to date character sheet.
That way, you won't have to *keep* reposting it every turn. It'll be linked to the start of the combat.
Being a persnickity little pedant, Command will notice that unless you READY YOUR KIT and update your papers, as instructed, you'll spend the first two combat turns stunned, confused and defenseless because you're clearly taken by surprise!
> you are an Iconotheurge stuck behind the map, or a bunch of hapless explorers stuck in the village, the above does not apply. Yet. You have bigger problems.