While the battle outside played out...
The rest of you are indoors, looking for Primarina's life partner. Drifting Leaves, Bringing Wind is somewhere in this building, the structure of which should be old hat to you by now. North of the bar are the rooms inn guests like yourselves stay in, next to the kitchen. Towards the back of the temporary living quarters is a staircase leading up to yet more rooms for Pokemon more wanting for their own sleeping spaces, and a balcony overlooking the bar on the first floor. Also upstairs is Primarina's office, though none of you have ever seen the inside. The staircase to your right is a swifter way up there, but top use it you'd have to do something about the ceiling structure that's collapsed into the way...
The second floor is represented by the right side of this map, and the first on the left.
The scale of this visualization is not quite the same as it was outdoors; players should expect to be able to move 11 spaces in a single turn. As the fires and damages to the Château rage on, you all build an impression that you'll get about 5 turns to do your work in here before you're at risk of an internal collapse. You won't want to be inside if and when that happens...
Those who aren't fire or poison types will be burned and also take 1 damage from smoke inhalation each turn, though surely supplies can be found somewhere in a hybrid restaurant.
On that note, don't fear for gameplay items your characters have in storage, as a mercy from myself. They'll be safe, and you can even use them if you make it to your dorm.
Assuming of course, you have that kind of time to spare.
4 Minutes Before Death - Variation, Ghost Trick
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS7jxHiXDRY PLAYER TURN 1
Your move.