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QM: Tharfish the Dwarven Shipwright repairs the False Flag! I will roll 1d20 to reduce the condition of the ship further, as Tharfish scavenges what he can for repairs.
As you descend the mooring tower, you encounter the following scene across the river from you, where a bedraggled Searlas - entirely on his own and looking mud-spattered, befouled and dirty, is trying to convince a crossing guard:
- I am telling you, that ship belongs to me! Look, I have the Letter Of Marque to prove it! The Salt Rose! That is my ship, but I lost all my maiden knights and crew when I ran away from the goblins... I mean, when my traitor retinue all deserted and abandoned me! I am Highborn! I demand to be seen by The Oration!
The River Crossing Guard looks at the Befouled Prince Searlas sceptically:
- Well... these papers prove you are the owner of The Salt Rose. But that ship moored there is clearly named, the Titty Beauty. Look, you can see that bright, newly-painted lettering along her prow very clearly!
- The Witchfinder is very busy questioning these villagers. They have received reports of a rumour there is some Unsanctioned Mad Wizard roaming around, flinging forbidden rites at will, calling the thunder and the storm. This Mad Wizard must be very Evil, all know The Oration have forbidden all use of sorcery! The only description we heard is that he possesses a long beard, wears a silly hat and carries a strange Lantern. Have you seen this vile sorceror, by any chance?
- But if you have some other dispute or matter you wish the Witchfinder to address, I suggest you join the back of the crowd and queue there...
Prince Searlas The Meek weeps and screams hysterically in despair:
- But I am HIGHBORN! I demand to be seen! This is an outrage and disgrace! If only Mommy were here, O, such woe has befallen me!