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In the end, our tribe refuses to aid the singers. Now is the time for the licking of wounds, not for pursuing the woman-snatchers in the undergrowth of Grascan. Besides, in their disorganised state, it's very likely that they will succumb to the wilderness and end up eaten by bears.
Those who lead the Bruslavic are not so confident. Combined with the Protavic's refusal to condemn the blood-drinkers, this leads to the singers departing with a poor impression of the beast-bringers. They leave with their share of captives and express no desire to engage with our tribe again.
On the other hand, the Toprocravic and the Vuvovic tribes both express some interest in working with the Protavic, for different reasons. Ours is the only tribe that tolerates the vile rites of the blood-drinkers, while the sealskins appreciate that they were allowed to execute any Bravigrovic warriors that were captured. In the future, the beast-bringing tribe may be be able to forge closer bonds with either of these clans – perhaps even both.
Once the allied tribes have departed with their spoils, the Protavic are free to claim the territory of the woman-snatchers. Suddenly, the amount of land that belongs to our tribe more than doubles. There's suddenly an abundance of pastures for swineherds and a surfeit of meadows for apiarists – no matter what role they play in the tribe, every man and woman of the Protavic has more than enough space to thrive and lead healthy, happy lives.
This also means that the tribe is spread thin across the available land, which poses a security risk. As weeks, months and eventually years pass, it is revealed that some of the Bravigrovic have survived in the wilderness – not as a tribe, but as isolated gangs of marauders. They shall never pose a significant threat to the Protavic ever again, but they will remain a minor nuisance and be responsible for the disappearance of livestock and the occasional kidnapping. In time, they shall come to be known as the Grovic, worthless parasites who live of the fringes of society and steal from their betters.
>The civilisation gets +20 Prosperity.
>The civilisation gets +5 Happiness and Health.
>The civilisation gets -5 Security.