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She makes a mad dash and jumps in the air. With the aid of her wings she manages to reach the head of the Djinn and attempts to pierce it. The spirit however is quite adept at fighting and blocks her again and again even as she rebounds off of it and flies off to attack from a different angle. Hagetaka even tries shooting a rain of glass shards at Daifuku but the Djinn is more than willing to guard him with its body. And such weak attacks do little to damage it. To Angel it feels like she just encountered a great beast, one she must whittle down slowly to open it up for one lethal strike. She smiles, her heart beats faster and she hears blood rushing to her ear as the thrill of the hunt overtakes her. Jumping high into the air she positions herself between Daifuku and the sun.
"Fallen Refraction!"
Her body captures the light and as the rays of the sun bounce around within her they get projected outwards as identical, ethereal copies of her. She assaults Daifuku again and he panics for a second. He gets swarmed by the multiple spear wielding enemies and as his own weapon passes through them as easily as it did with the original he realizes how much trouble he's in. Were it not for one small detail. He closes his eyes to focus and then looks up in surprise.
At that moment all of Hagetakas clones pass through him. None of his attackers were real. The only one with a substantial body has flown higher and higher while he was busy with the distractions.
Now barely a black speck obscured by the radiant sun she thrusts her spear forward.
Making a sharp dive she accelerates more and more until a corona of orange light appears before her weapon. Both her spear, hair and wings begin to glow orange but pretty much her entire body takes on a more radiant hue. Seeing her advance Daifuku orders his Djinn to strike her down at once.
The Djinn swings and this time there is a sound when it hits Hagetaka. Her heated up spear explodes into a shower of molten glass. As does the rest of her body. With one motion he managed to completely obliterate his opponent, leaving only a mildly dangerous rain of heated up obsidian which the Djinn conveniently blocked for Daifuku.
"HAH! I told you! Stupid logia using wench! Now onto the next one!"
Daifuku laughs and pats down his own chest, letting his hands get some rest before his next fight. As he takes one step forward however he fails to notice the pool of still glowing hot glass behind him from which Hagetaka jumps out and manages to stab him in both shoulders with one spear each.
"Forgive me. Were it up to me I would've given you a quick death. But the captain insisted we don't kill you so I had to disable your ability."