>>5707660>>5707671>>5707696"Actually Farny, I think you should make the most out of the opportunity. Why don't you learn a few things about their magic and make some new friends?"
"A-Are you sure? I'm not certain of my safety flying along with this girl I just met..." Farnese stammers, looking over to Morda standing upside down on her broom to play up the dangers of getting a ride with her.
"You can take Schierke with you if you feel too lonely there. What's the harm in letting loose? There's no batter place for it, and you finally get to know some people who have your new interests in common."
"Can you teach us how to fly with a broom?" Schierke asks Morda.
"We have a few spares, but I can teach you the basics."
The needy Farnese really wants to do nothing more than huddle behind you and stomp her feet saying 'But I wanna stay with yoooou!', yet knowing how childish that would make her look, she sighed a deep breath and agreed that there would not be a better chance than in Elfhelm than to widen her social circle.
"Make it quick..." She lets go of your collar after you give her a 'good luck' smooch.
"Take your time, it'll only be boring adult talk over here anyway." You wave goodbye as Schierke shrieks from the speed on Morda's broomstick.
"Sorry for the wait, everyone. It's been a while since I've had to make any big announcements." A pink haired woman with the same robes as the mages appears, giving everyone present a share of her freshly baked pumpkin pies. How fancy...
As several animals flock to her, the lady takes out her robes and shows herself in all her pink, majestic glory.
The resemblance is indeed quite uncanny. Were it not for her antenna and the flesh pink color of her dress to match with her eyes and hair compared to Sivir's lime green, you would not be able to tell them apart.
"Welcome to my Elfhelm, travelers. Though I believe one of you is already quite familiar with this land already..."
"That would be me!" Puck says, before Danaan's eyes go directly to Sivir. "Oh, nevermind..."
"Danaan, I am sorry to bother you, I know you did not even wish to see me, yet I need you to help out with one of my son's friends!" Sivir places the unconscious Casca on a nearby set of leaves, seemingly having recovered from her rash.
"..." After evaluating Casca, Danaan swiftly responds.
"The raven haired woman seems to be healing well without my aid. Your antidote has worked quite nicely, she should be waking up in just a few hours. Almost as if you wanted to come here on your own..."
>Confront Danaan on why she left Sivir in the sea.>Let them talk it out first.