>68 Dedder Dusts >§94 -6 for kludge armor repairs -3 for self patch -2.5 for Trainan costs>=§82.5>Toady 5+3=8/12HP>Kludge Armor 4+6=10/12Dur>Yang Wuhan still needs 56LM >21 days remaining >Derreschston pop. 70LM remaining >Current Derreschston Sus penalty -5 [2C1R]
>Serch Cherch MOAR (Ш) (familiarity bonus +15) >Serch Cherch MOAR (Ͳ) (familiarity bonus +15 +10) >Pit (familiarity bonus +10) >Mass Grave (Dedder Dust collection bonus +40) >Mart Street >Mayorate Court >Courthouse (Familiarity bonus +15) >Mayorate Residence + Stables >Skirts >BLOOD >by chokey choke? (GARROTE) >by slashy slash? (DAGGA) >[From whence? Write-in] >KLUDGE / STABBUTTAGG (sabotage) >[What? Write-in] >STALK >Towser >Sordyfagg Sissy + Action (he suffers -12 Hit Chance and Dodge chance for your first encounter; -4 thereafter) (write in for Action) >Stumpy >TownBoss >Pit WatchBoss >Else? >TRAINAN (Costs §2.5/day) (Carrionpede Form is currently at +4(/4) Hit Chance and +3(/4) Damage) (Gui Li imposes -1 to gains in Form per gain at this time; min gain is +1) Improvement for TRAINAN is now Total of 3>150, OR Bo3 65.
Trainan cost and threshold for improvement will increase with Form level.
>Day/Night? [ROLL]