>>6195956“How could such a thing remain a secret for so long?” Adeline asks. “And they even possess Crests? This would have huge ramifications on the history and future relations of Fodlan and Morfis.”
“Most cultists are killed on sight.” Alvin remarks. “This has been the policy for generations, passed down by both the Royal College and the Palace. Those who find themselves captured aren’t exactly in a talkative mood. They’ll undergo any manner of torture before spilling anything about their brethren, such is the fervor of their faith. As for their Crests, this is the first I’m hearing about it. But it is possible that even if these Crests were encountered throughout the years, Morfis would be unable to identify what they were. Remember, those gifts are supposed to be native to Fodlan only. A country that we’ve long remained isolated from. The Cult is known to possess magic unique only to them, and it is possible this ‘Crest of Leviathan’ was handwaved to be more of their strange sorcery.”
“Having survived in the harshness of the desert, away from the comforts Morfis provides. These guys are like rats.” Cuthbert says dryly. “And you really got them to switch sides that easily?”
>“I know. Cool, right?”“We should attack this Marek as soon as possible.” Elric says. “They’re turning innocent people into monsters! We can’t allow that!”
“I agree with Elric.” Adeline says. “It is the right thing to do, regardless of the challenge we may face.”
“Cult hideouts such as what you describe are exceedingly rare finds.” Cassius remarks. “And that their leader is present as well. An opportunity to lead a direct assault on the Serpents may never come again.”
“Sorry, I thought our priority was going to Morfis for this stupid tournament.” Cuthbert says. “Why are we going looking for trouble? Let the Scorchers handle this.”
“I’m afraid I must concur with our surly friend here.” Nadia says. “At the very least, we can aid the Scorchers in defending their city. But leading an assault on the stronghold of the Cult of the Serpent seems incredibly dangerous.”
“Delving into an ancient ruin full of cultists, traps, monsters, guys with Crests and who knows what else?” May recites, horrified. “I think I’m going to be sick…”
“I support any decision you make, Tristain.” Alvin says. “But we’ll need to consult with Tobias first. If we were to attack the cult in their hideout, we would absolutely need the assistance of the Scorchers.”