You can't mention the egg of the king here. How else would you know about what that amulet can do unless you used magic to perceive it? Surely that would only make you more suspicious of witchcraft by pointing that out, but the heat of the moment forced you into a mistake, it was too far late to take back your words as Griffith took advantage of the opportunity just as opinions were starting to split.
"What was that, I hear? Are you referring to this object I have around my neck at all times?" Griffith takes out his red amulet. removing it off his torso and chucking it to the floor with enough force to shatter it to pieces.
"I had bought it from a shop owner in my hometown many years ago. It's an old, worn down container made out of clay! It is not a magic stone! Here is my evidence to prove it!"
You can't believe it... You even try going against all your instincts and sense the Od of the Egg right in front of Griffith, nothing happens, not a shroud of white or red seems to emanate from that item.
He had to make a fake one for this occasion! The real egg must be hiding somewhere! Your Od Sensing has never once lied to you!
"Now tell me, people of the church. Who appears to be framing who, when a mere fashion item from my childhood is treated as a demonic item--"
"CEASE YOUR BICKERING!" Two soldiers approach you and Griffith with a poke of their swords, knocking you both to the floor as your wounds prove too great to continue your arguments.
"This is a waste of everyone's time! Stop the wedding and imprison the two of them! Gallahad! Tell me all you know about the case immediately!"
You try to stand up, but it only takes a few steps for you to start coughing blood. You imagine that it has something to do with the Egg actually being nearby, but after more intense coughing and no additional symptoms, it appears that the strike from the royal soldier has punctured your lung.
"Damn, I didn't mean to hit him that deep! Is he going to make it?" A soldier tries to offer his shoulder, but you find trouble to even lift your head to him as your bleeding gets worse.
"This is how he heals himself..." Griffith slowly stands up, following the guards with arms behind his back. "He needs to take the energy of someone he trusts. Unless he plans to die here, he's going to try and fix his organs with his palms.
There is a distinct possibility that you could get infected or lose a vital organ by ignoring that wound, but healing it would only give ammo for Griffith's accusations.