Quoted By:
If Sugar wants to sweet those hamburgers, who are you to stand in the way? She cooks them delicious and that’s all that ultimately matters. You need to take things easy once in a while. You let Matilda know she can have it her way and that you’ll be more than happy to eat her goluptious burgers. Your words of appraisal are well-received, the Martial Artist leads the walk back to the camper full of pride. Wilma is following her closely as she wants to assist in the kitchen.
<span class="mu-s">Wilma is unequipped.</span>
Y’all returned together to the mobile home to eat since there was no choice. The grill is not portable, Matilda absolutely refused to make the trip back to the castle with the food because it will get cold (<span class="mu-i">“Not at it’s peak”</span> as Matilda phrased it.), and driving the Camper through the sand was out of the question as it’s possible for the thing to get stuck.
Hey, at least you don’t have to be inside, you can enjoy the beach breeze with everyone while wondering when the food is ready like a peasant who doesn’t make their own food. Still, there’s something bothering you…
It’s the Castle. The Castle is obviously bothering you. You left it unprotected from outside forces. Oliver said not to worry because there’s practically no one around for anything bad to happen to it. But this is Oliver’s judgment, and as much as you value his input in more important matters, in trivial matters he has no clue what he’s talking about.
Maybe the Castle never really mattered to begin with, and all the work Sugar, Mirjam, and Grace did to build it wasn’t important.
“I <span class="mu-i">wonderrrr</span> if the castle is fine…” Mirjam can’t take her eyes off the spot where it stands. It’s one huge sand building you can see almost clearly from here.
“Hmm… I wanted everyone to enjoy it, but we only ate ice cream in there.” Grace looks afflicted as well.
Sad tomatoes aren’t a good sign at all.
“Well, nobody wants to stand inside something so hideous.” Chio is as harsh as always. The girls didn’t like it. “But on the bright side, it’s so quaint I doubt anyone will be interested in doing something to it.”
“…Except destroying it.” Cookie pokes fun at them.
“Again, there’s nobody around.” It’s weird listening to Oliver sound normal and reasonable. You guess his act doesn’t last long when you spend too much time with him.
Grace and Mirjam share glances, both still upset about it.
<span class="mu-s">What do you do?</span>
>Calm the duo down. The Castle will be fiiiiine.
>Take someone with you to defend the castle. Ask for food to be delivered there when done! Screw the burgers’ quality! (Write-In Who. (No Matilda and Wilma))
>Write In.