Quoted By:
He raised his arms.
[SARAKHA] "For five thousand years, the New Beginning was our age, and it was good... There was no strife, and there was no horror. It was... perfect. It was the kind of world you wish for now. It was the uncontrollable Chaos of men that forced its closure. But that will not be so when the Great Rebirth comes. When we rebuild this world without flaw, then mankind will no longer have a heart for Chaos. We can all attain that paradise again, and by our invincible Emperor's hand, it will last forever. How could you stand in opposition?"
[SARAKHA] "Control can be the defining truth of all things. Peace can be created, everlasting! We only need to neuter this cruel ambition in men and their hearts. We gods must take the reigns from an impersonal monad lying inside their very core. Can't you see the reason in our cause? For all the things you might hate our Emperor for, he is truly infallible when we willingly support him. He that is infallible and knows all there is to know of the way of things should be our ruler, and nobody else."
[SARAKHA] "You are not beyond our mercy, Muna. The Chaos in mankind spawns a vassal to brutally oppress us and muscle us out of existence, all so it can maintain a soulless reality devoid of spark. They would just flagellate themselves forever. I ask you, come, stand with your fellow deities and embrace the wonder of controlling phenomena. Come, join the Trinity. It is not too late for you."
>Join the Trinity and submit to The Xanthous Emperor.