Mandie cries and cries. Snot runs out of her nose and bubbles up, making her look like a mess, her hair fraying every which way.
You just let her tears run out as you turn off the gas flame and strain the water from your pasta and stir the liquid cheese packet in, fingering off a slug or two of liquid cheese and sucking it clean. You could probably live off of those liquid cheese packets and a handful of multivitamins every day (maybe some stool hardener, too). Soooo good. wooden spatula in the macaroni makes similar stirring sounds as your Johnson in Mandie's sweaty armpits. An odd but arousing sound to you, now, because of the memory. You stir a little harder and scrape the walls of the pot.
You look back at your woman, still pouting, then peek on the Atlantic cod in the oven, but it's not as flaky as you would prefer. You close the door.\
Slowly, you walk back up to Mandie at the table, your arms crossed, legs wide. "Pick. Now."
She panics and says "I can't choose!!"
"WHY NOT?!" You scream in your kitchen.
She repeats herself, with a hiccup in her voice, "ah-ah-ah-I, k-k-k-can't, chuh-chuh-chuh-choOoOoohoohoOoOoose". She sobs and points to two (2) names on your notebook-paper list with one index finger each. She can barely even raise her arms past her breasts because of the strappado punishment, which you only relax when you're home.
You grin a grin that makes the devil wonder what you're up to.
You happen to agree fully with Mandie's exquisite taste.
While you can't do two at a time, maybe if you space it out a few days and plan in advance to make sure everything is secured... Who knows.
Necessity compels, and evil drives. This is primal.
Mandie's sweaty, crooked index fingers lie heavily, pinning the (similarly 3-holed) sheet of notebook paper to your oak kitchen table, kitchen fan dangling counterclockwise above her. Her body trembles in millimeters, then resets, sturdy.
Two (2) familiar names gather sweat driplets under her bulging eyes:
>Amanda Plau (Skinny Meth-head)You still have this slim little brunette thang's sexual battery victim file down at the department if you want to look at her bruises and scars before snatching her up from the trailer park. Nyeh heh.
>Joy Kinov (Mayor's Spoiled Blonde Daughter)Finally, you have the confidence to make this bitch eat dirt under your foot for making fun of you all throughout grade school through high school. And the sad thing for her? No one will hear her screams. Except for you. You wonder what plastic surgery looks like... Without the skin.
>Genita Schwarz! (Lipschitz's daughter)Sure, she's a little traditional with her Jewish faith, but why would that stop a Craigslist Killer on a Quest? Her hook nose would look fine buried in your taint while you read Donglio Formaggio's newest crime novel and have a few smokes, Jewish ashtray included.
>Brenda Su (Asian Hottie, Former Receptionist)Fear looks good in her eyes. (Cont'd)