>>5377269>Have King Weirdo use a Potion on Soozie, and everyone else focuses Direcoon D. (3 Potions Left)>DireRacoon A attacks Bo!Rolled 1 D6: 2...but it's a Miss.
>DireRacoon B attacks King Weirdo!Rolled 1 D6: 3...but it's a Miss.
>DireRacoon C attacks Bo!Rolled 1 D6: 1...but it's a Miss.
>DireRacoon D is STUNNED! And cannot act this round.>King Weirdo uses a Potion on Soozie!Recovered 3 Life. 5 -> 7
<span class="mu-s">Hoodie</span>: Rolled 1 D6: 4...the Potion was consumed!
>Bo attacks Direcoon D!Rolled 1 D6: 6...Hit!
(I forgot the Team Bonus last Round, sheeeeit)
Rolled 2 D6 +2: 9...through the Armor!
Rolled 1 D6: 5, Rolled 1 D8: 7 = 57: -2 Life
<span class="mu-s">Direcoon D has been slain!</span>
>Soozie Attacks Direcoon C...she fires magic bolts from her staff!Rolled 1 D6: 2...Miss!
The one Direcoon that had been clawing at King Weirdo's face is thrown off by the madman himself. He hops up, sees that Soozie bleeding rather hideously from an arm, and digs around in his hoodie. He winds up like a baseball player and hurls the potion at Soozie, which shatters on impact. Apparently healing potions work just as well as a balm as they do when drunk. The other Direcoons continue their hopping about, hoping to catch another one of the Team off guard, but catch nothing but air!
"Yo, bitch." Bo points a steely finger at the Direcoon with the knife, winding up, he gives it/her/whatever a crushing uppercut that sends the nasty creature rocketing upwards a few feet, only to impact against the ceiling. It falls back down to the floor a few seconds later, most definitely dead.
Bo curls an arm into a flex. The crowd starts banging louder on the walls. "Yoooooo, that was fuckin' SICK dude!"
Unfortunately, there are still more Direcoons to deal with...
>Bo: 8/8 Life>King Weirdo: 8/9 Life>Soozie: 7/7 Life, sustained Injury: -1 Str.>Direcoon A,B,C, unhurt!<span class="mu-s">Initiative</span>
BATSHIT: Rolled 1 D100: 57
DIRECOONS: Rolled 1 D100: 11
BATSHIT will go first.
<span class="mu-s">Actions</span>
>Have King Weirdo use Hype! While the others beat down another Direcoon. (3 uses left)>Have Soozie use Fireball. (2 Uses Left)>Have everyone focus the same target, and use regular attacks.