Pumping more energy into the labyrinth allows for it to grow and expand. It now encompasses a larger swathe, making it harder for enemy Kaiju to wreck in one sitting. This has the natural effect of inducting even more members into it over time.
>Lair UpgradedLabryinth (E18)
>Size: F>E>Strength: F>Stamina: F>E>Speed: F>Special: E>Dreamsphere: The Labryinth is a dreamland that naturally inducts victims into it. This lair eliminates the Energy requirement to increase the members of The Hive Mind’s Cult (Thralls). Next up is the gathering of energy. There are no more plants within its overtaken range, so a new attack is necessary. The arrival of an army of civilians alerts them. They’re no longer willing to kill people they know are being controlled, and when the options are giving up a power plant and gunning down hundreds of civvies, they choose the former.
>The Hive Mind has gained 1 energy > 3/4Weapons are produced and passed out among them. However, an unfortunate consequence of being in Japan hits The Hive Mind. Among all these cultists it has obtained, there are nearly none with useful arms manufacturing knowledge. There are the occasional gun otakus, or people who work in factories and assembly lines, but the knowledge of how to actually make a high-quality firearm just does not exist in the public consciousness.
Fortunately, a hero emerges. One man has fervently studied the schematics for the Abe-Killer Improvised Pipe Shotgun, or the A.I.P.S. Knowledge of its construction begins to spread among the cult members, giving them power against lairs and other cults. Of course, despite their stats, they don’t have the organizational power to actually use this against a Kaiju.
>Size: E>Strength: E>Stamina: G>Speed: G>Special: G>F>Only Human: Thralls do not gain any stat bonuses from superior size. Receiving damage will reduce their size by a grade.<span class="mu-s">Reaction:</span>
Japan is rapidly denuclearising as an emergency measure. Large amounts of fuel rods are being gathered up from facilities and collected in one place. They’ll likely be shipped off soon, bringing them out of the Kaiju’s range, unless the convoy is attacked. Care has been taken to place them far North, away from Gendai, which was the Southern site of The Hive Mind’s attack. The Thrall army will have limited reach to seize this.
Suspiciously, however, there is absolutely no attack on The Hive Mind for an extended period.