>>5666112>>5666077>>5666068>>5666059>>5666041As often as you have conquered, you have counselled. You are a destroyer of the od, but also a builder of the new. It is, not to overstate things unduly, sort of your whole THING. You are the Dark Prophet of the Coming Age, and age of multicultural unit—a shadow-peace, forged from suffering and hate in the shape of Love and Community!
Still, this is going to be tricky.
“She isss kidding,” you say. “She doesss thiss. It isss how she buildss familiarity.”
The Princess of Hawksong regards you with tentative relief, but the Novice will have none of it. She shoots back:
“I am not. I have fed upon human meat, and blood. So have you!”
Ekaterine’s eyes widen in horror, hand moving to her lips and arm starting to slip from yours.
“I have done what I need to in order to sssurvive ,” you admit, and take a dep breath. “Including, yess, cannibalisssm.”
Ekaterine’s dawning disgust is tempered, forestalled by that delightful and sometimes morbid curiosity of hers. It is the instinct which drove her, a sheltered creature of ultimate privilege, to learn so much about the lowly and foreign that’s he came to sympathize with them—love them—more than her fellow human nobility.
“Cannibalism?” Ekaterine asks. “That term—”
“Denotesss eating one’ss own,” you agree. “The Dragonborn Program which created me… It isss ssaid that human materialsss, from thosse captured and killed, were usssed to make usss. It isss why I have hair, why in my natural form my sscalesss are coloured asss they are…”