Agents! Packages are in! Get out of there! Floor it! I've retraced Agent Thorns' route! But the other package; it was thrown off when Agent Graphite zoomed out of there like a bat outta hell! It's not mission critical or anything, but-- well--
Agent Mammoth! Agent Mammoth! Your vitals are spiking! You've been shot! Don't panic!!
>Remember to account for Shock>You're BLEEDING! Big bullets there, they punched something vital! During Reaction phase Bleeding increments Injury = Value. You can *Resist* this, trying to clasp down on the wounds, but that obviously takes Alacrity that might be better spent on other things... Maybe get an ally to patch that? --
Agents-- Uh-- Uh-- AGENTS
>Grenades have an 'initiative step' function, as per: >>6160318. The grenade here scored 3 hits, which means the 'difficulty' of acting -before it- is 3. You need to reduce that to 0, somehow, or it'll cook of among you. While some grenades are hackable ,this one doesn't seem to have a signature. So if you grab for it with React+Close Quarters and get 1 hit, there's still 2 to go...>Someone can, of course, dive on the grenade. That'll concentrate the detonation to one target.--
Agent, that Metroplex soundfile and the viral-vectors along with the mesh attacks are playing merry hell on their systems. Unlike the Red Cranes, these 'Ndragheta aren't professional multidomain operatives, they're quick and nimble but their IT security infrastructure leaves something to be desired!