You were admittedly tempted to set up an ambush and get this over with. After all, you feel like you shouldn't be here too long, in more ways than one.
"Alright. We're going north. Keep your light off." On second thought, though, they said they found it because it was glowing. You think it should be easy enough to find it.
Delta nods, flicking his flashlight off. After you do the same, the two of you start walking north. It's quickly apparent that you're gonna have to take it slow moving without a light. Oh well.
"So, Delta. Ready to beat up some fuckin' glowy thing?" You're not really sure how to break up the silence without drawing too much attention to yourself. Delta merely shrugs. Ouch. (Village Theme) Father Above, you're glad you moved away from the Wastes while you could. There's nothing out here besides shadow-hidden buildings and wind blowing in the distance. If you wanted to deal with this shit, you would beg that Admin fuck to work on Sirocco more (why DOES she dislike dudes? you only see girls go in there.)
Luckily, your habit of constantly wearing sunglasses has made you used to stumbling around in the dark. Delta is not so well trained, so you have to keep a hand on the tall oaf's shoulder to keep him nearby.
"Remind me why we're doing this again? This would be so much easier with a light on."
"Buddy. It's a glowing thing, that's how they found it. And what is very easy to see in the dark?"
"Ah. Didn't really think of that."
Your eyes adjust enough in the dark to see the nearby buildings you keep passing by. Most of them are just empty, simple huts made out of clay and sandstone. Nothing that you put much effort into paying attention to.
What is remarkable is that the further north you go, the more ash coats the ground. Your well-polished boots are already getting ruined. Damnit, you spent a solid hour making sure they were shiny and perfect!
The two of you stop when you notice something vaguely circular in front of you. It takes a moment for you to recognize it as a <span class="mu-g">fountain</span>. Oh great, you're at where they last saw it.
"Okay. Where the hell are we?" Delta squints, trying his best to see anything in the moonlight. He steps forward, nearly bumping his toes against the fountain. "OUCH!"
"At the fountain. We should be able to find it quickly enou-" You squint your eyes. It's like 12 AM, there should <span class="mu-r">NOT be anything lit up, especially after you made sure to keep your lights off.</span>
"What's that weird look you're giving me?"
"Delta, for the love of the Father, don't move." You slowly lean over to get a closer look at the light behind him. Luckily, the anomaly isn't actually looming behind him. There's a building a dozen feet or so away from where you two are at. <span class="mu-r">Blinding white light is flooding out from the windows and door.</span>