Rolled 38 + 30 (1d100 + 30)
Voting is now closed, with Mental winning Primary and Social coming in second place!
>>5812400>>5812410Now you are thinking with portals!
>>5812479Ohh, I had no idea something like this was in the pastebin. Very cool, I’ll have to check that out! And I hope you ST for your buds one day too, anon!
But to make things nice and official, at least so far, our character sheet:
Kalina of Damascus
Clan Tzimisce
The Road of Kings
>Physical +10>Social +20>Mental +30Abilities:
>TBD Soon~
For taking the right path and heading to the Mental based challenge, I need a roll.
>We will be using a d100 roll system, each roll will be the best of three. I will state what modifiers you should input. The higher the roll, the better - but you will also need to beat my roll. Which I will always try to put up before so we can see what you have to beat. Give me a roll of dice+1d100+30.
Your modifier is simply your Mental Attribute of +30. Remember, best of three to beat my roll! Let’s see how this goes!