Quoted By:
The danger of detection may be replaced with the danger of identification, but your Predator array still fails to pick up on the panicked traffic of an alarm. Merely unsecured transmissions of worthless things. Random pictures of a mass of people, saluting. Nonsensical messages. Poor-quality shakey videos. Why would they be throwing hats, anyways?
Unchallenged, even still. What a mockery of security.
Full sensor sweep, again. Thermal outputs….seismics…mag-scan…..visuals, poor as they are. Many light vehicles, parked. Idling. The three mechs from earlier. Buildings could block emissions for you to pick up on, and often muddle your mag-scan, but it is still clear that no actively moving machines are close enough to intercept you.
Bare steps from the campus, proper, of the Tsang Tsun Military Academy. And yet nothing.
The timer still ticks away. Closing in on the time of attack. Mere minutes.
Inhale. Exhale. Human actions.
<span class="mu-b">Pilot is in Mid-sync</span>And has been
“Beta. If I asked you to stop, would you?”
“Insufficient information. Your wording is very imprecise. Elaborate.”
“To call off this attack.”
“We have our orders. Do you have an appropriate reason to not carry it out?”
You leave off the potentially construed as insulting remarks about timeliness. This current moment could be said as the sixth to last minute possible for such a debate.
“A feeling. That we aren’t getting the whole picture.”
A feeling.
“Do you suspect something is amiss here, Pilot? A delay would-”
“I KNOW! I just, just…”
The trailing off does not inspire great confidence in her fortitude.
“What, pilot?”
Her head shakes.
Pilot problems or not, the time is now.
You head for the Stadium, immediately after Headhunter begins their attacks on the southern hangars.
>Call off.
Very minimal time for subtleties this late. You’ll need to contact Headhunter directly for a delay.
>Write-in. Changes to the plan? Contact Command?
Had to fix formatting. Whoops.