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You have decided to <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">Scramble for the last remaining stars</span></span>; the tiny star cluster nearest to the Consortium will put you directly into border tensions with the large power; but it's better then letting them have them just uncontested.
The two stars, who are given numerical classifications instead of proper names due to irrelevance to the Hegemony's core culture, do not harbor any life-sustaining planets. The Red Giant is oribted by a handful of planets and moons, where as the White Dwarf is far smaller and with a lesser gravitation pull- only having a gas giant and a cluster of icy asteroids. The strategic value of the cluster is questionable, but nobody questions the Supreme Ruler's decision.
But as luck would have it one rocky, toxic planet orbiting the Red Giant just so happens to have deposits of <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">Azurium</span></span>! This strategic resource will be of great usefulness to the Hegemony. While it isn't a motherload like the one that regrettable fell into the hands of the Esaal from the Baalathi systems; it will be able to outfit your starships cruisers or the rest of your society- one way or another- just as soon as shipping lanes and foundries, and the population to support them, move to the far off star. The beginnings are just happening now- after about <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">5 years</span></span>.