Rolled 9, 4, 8, 6, 10, 10, 10, 3, 4, 3, 3 = 70 (11d10)
“ Right, sergeant, time to do what we came here to do “
“ Defeat the Biters in close quarters? “
“ Gods no, Sergeant, we’re going to *get out of their way*! Wipe that disappointed look off of your face and come on, let’s get elsewhere!
Activate Red Dust, -2 to enemy DMG.
(“Everyone, keep your head down, they’re trying to kill us”)
Def 4 + Smoke + New Model = 7, 8 if dug in.
Vis 12.
>Also a Sudden Encounter? Am unsure if I roll twice Included here for completeness, disregard if unneccessary.FIRE
>Dismount, rapidly, and..Gas Grenade and Support gun ll21, ll22, ll23 and jj22 with Lacrymator Lavender
8xATk+6 (New Model, Gas). Crit 9-10.
Stuns, Saturates, and hopefully prevents their attack.
PC-Subunit to indulge the sergeant and heroically attack someone. With “”swords””, by which we mean, grenades.
1x Atk+5, P2, E2, Crit 9-10
LT to place
1x Demo charge in this tile while all that’s going on. Make it a pressure switch, we likely won’t be around to trigger it.
Are we alive?
Remount and
Run, run, run away, run *away*, get out of their way, this was fun but we have other places to be GOODBYE.
>Move 2N, 1NE into the woods.RESOLUTION
Never doing *that* again. Good god those people are dangerous.
Dig in, keep our heads down.