Quoted By:
>The civilisation gets +0.10 to Culture.
>The civilisation gets +10 to Health.
Our tribe embraces the pastoral lifestyle. Diligent herdsmen spend their days patrolling the border between the forest and the lakeside, where they watch over the boars and deer that graze there. Over time, these animals gradually become accustomed to the presence of their wardens. Any predators or huntsmen who would dare harm them before their time are chased off, for these beasts are the property of the tribe. They are only slain when the time is right.
This way of life provides the tribe with a stable source of protein that allows them to become hardier and healthier than their rivals. Some of the herdsmen even leave behind scraps of meat for the predators that prey on their herds, in the hope of satiating their hunger and convincing them to leave the livestock alone. This may lead to interesting developments down the road.
A generation passes.
At this point in prehistory, time flies by. Civilisation develops at a snail's pace and the life of the average tribesman is mostly uneventful. Tribal feuds are mostly limited to thrown stones and bickering over territory.
This changes when the daughter of a respected elder is stolen away by young men from another tribe. Her brother was there when it happened – he saw them ambush his sister while they were watching over their family's herd. They carried her off in the direction of their territory. The tribe is outraged by this state of affairs. Something needs to be done.
>The civilisation gets -1 to Population.
>The civilisation gets -5 to Security.
>The civilisation gets -5 to Happiness.
They could <span class="mu-s">retaliate</span>. A number of tribesmen will arm themselves and prepare to launch an assault on this neighbouring tribe, with the intention of stealing back the missing woman and punishing the transgressors.
They could <span class="mu-s">open a dialogue</span> with this neighbouring tribe, in the hopes of convincing them to return the missing woman. It is quite likely that they will want something in exchange, but the elder will be willing to pay any price.
They could <span class="mu-s">protect their women</span>. This was bound to happen sooner or later, as there are few things in the world more desirable than a woman's capacity to create life. Women must be kept out of harm's way, to keep this from happening again.
They could <span class="mu-s">encourage self-defence</span>. Thrown stones are no longer enough. Men and women must be trained and prepared to bring their knives and spears to bear against anyone who dares to overstep their bounds.
They could <span class="mu-s">return the favour</span>. An eye for an eye is the appropriate solution to this situation. The tribe might even adopt this practice of stealing women in order to bolster its population, no matter the diplomatic consequences.
What should the tribe do?
>Retaliate – this will start a Special Situation.
>Open a dialogue.
>Protect their women.
>Encourage self-defence.
>Return the favour.