>Some VERY advanced supplies. (-$900. You'll get 2 Z-CORP AMPULES, TRAUMA KIT x2, ADRENALINE SHOT x2)>Buy multiple supplies (Choose two or more supplies to buy.)>Don't buy anything.After deciding what to buy, you continue to wander. You have a feeling you'd stumble onto something interesting soon enough.
Your next stop is something that's quite interesting: An old law firm. You don't really see these anywhere in the City anymore. Not because there's no laws period, no no, it's just that most legal disputes are solved by VIOLENCE or corporate browbeating than third party firms these days.
The door is currently boarded shut. Seems no one is here anymore.
It's clearly fallen into disrepair but the thing that catches your eye is the banner hanging above it. On it is the face of what you assume is the man who used to run this joint. You immediately recognize the face, however, because you saw him just a day ago.
<span class="mu-s">The Mystery CEO.</span>
Now, granted, he's a lot younger looking in the banner. Probably about ten years ago by the lack of greying in his slicked comb-over and thick bushy mustache. You could actually learn some information about him from here; You doubt he even remembers he worked for this law firm.
Making sure no one is looking, you promptly rip the boards off with your telekinesis before stepping inside.
https://youtu.be/8nXCv0pjIoc - FEELS LIKE YOU'RE INTRUDING
The place has been gutted long, long before you came in here by the looks of it. Anything that wasn't too heavy or nailed down has already been dragged out of this place many years ago. The front lobby only has a set of old filing cabinets (chained shut by the looks of it) and a heavy, sturdy wooden front desk.
Every door you see on first glance around the lobby has been boarded and sealed shut. Would probably be too much effort to break into for. The filing cabinets aren't too much of a worry, though. You pull out an old lockpicking set you got for situations like this.
[OVERWHELMING TALENT BONUS!] You open them in mere seconds. The filing cabinets are now yours.
You're about ready to flip through them when you sense something off with them. You push them to the side to notice...you left a cache here? Odd. You know you had and still have a habit of blacking out and doing shit so this isn't the weirdest place to find a cache.
>EMP GRENADE x4 (Very effective against those with implants and robotic threats. Targets multiple enemies. Disables nearby electronics and implants for a short duration. When used on a mechanical anomaly, android, or cyborg, you roll an extra 4d6 dice when attacking it and deal automatic FLESH damage to them.)>N-COMPANY BLESSED ARTS SCROLL 4: BINDING (A blessed piece of paper imbued with the hopes, dreams, and spirits of several N-Corp priests. When used, up to three targets are bound in place by blessed chains, preventing them from attacking for a turn.)