>>5300063>>5300551>>5300585>>5300795"I'm coming," you say to Zygfrek. "Tell him I will be right in."
You don't know what danger is ahead. So, if you're going to walk into the eye of the storm, you figure you;'d best prepare for the worst. That means you can't be dragging yourself around as weak as you are... you need to use some of your remaining energy to call for divine aid.
You clutch your holy pendant in your right hand, palm facing toward your body, and fall to one knee. You whisper an incantation to the Lord of Flames, a call for life; that is the second purpose of fire, beyond its use as a weapon. Just as the goddess Chauntea brought about the sun by begging the goddess Selûne for warmth, you plead to Kossuth for fire because, to a mortal, its warmth beats back death just as often as it enables it. Warm light emits from your palm as you speak the words, and your wounds begin to weave themselves together, leaving no evidence that you were ever hurt in the first place.
<span class="mu-s">Cure Wounds - Self</span>
Roll 1d8+Wisdom (1d8+3) to determine the HP recovered from Cure Wounds.
(The above roll should be repeated 3 times, for 3 separate casts of Cure Wounds.)
You consume 1 first-level spell slot per cast, bringing your total after healing down to 1 first-level spell slot and 2 second-level spell slots.