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You decide that you should leave Toms to find her own secret base. You already have a idea and you already are forcing Tom to go through training. You turn around and head back to the girls dorm, having picked out the perfect spot.
It's for her own good and you are doing it too, but you don't want to middle manage your friends. You cant collaborate with Tom unless one of you agrees to do the others idea, and you don't want to force Tom to go along with yours.
You aren't even sure necessarily you are supposed to use this idea. Since well...
You pick the lock of the supply closet again, noting, to a degree of shock, that the lock is the exact same as before. There are, allegedly, cameras everywhere here, and the Litwicks certainly are, but not only have you not gotten in trouble for breaking into this room 2 days ago, but they haven't even tried to make it harder to break into.
This school is very strange.
You slip into the supply closet which is filled as usual with unusual things. Carpets, books, tapestries, and even a axe.
You thought about it and honestly... why are there tapestries here, its a prison, these tapestries look pretty old... And a axe! You can kill people with those!
Fortuantely the Axe makes the perfect sort of marker, the large heavy headtaker high enough and shiny enough to frame the doorway of your new base!
There is one last step... the visualization!
You drop Mimikyu (You were holding onto the dollmon the entire trip) and point out the axe. "Alright Mimikyu! Here's the spot."
It looks around and frowns. "This spot? I guess this is when we all joined your team miss romantic! But I would prefer a spot with a little more glitter. So..." It waits as you stare at it.
The creatures staff wiggles in annoyance. "Hey hey! What kind of base do you want! Do you think I was just gonna make a empty room!?"
Yes actually... You guess Mimikyu has a bit more gas in it's tank then a normal pokemon... Which you guess makes sense given how you met, and how its talking to you.
Most pokemon can't do that, or be used to create stronger shadow pokemon.
What a weird doll...
"HEY!" You get bonked on the head with a wooden stick. "Enough soliloquy! I asked a question!"
Kinda rude though.
>You want... a training area! For that secret training your about to do!
>Make a workshop, you bet that would appeal to Captain Strongarm
>Make a HEX workshop, doll making and carpentry are different skills you need ghostly tools
>Make a SECRET LAIR with big tables and spooky lights and stuff
>Make a candy shop
>Write in
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