>>6173899The first battle against this amalgamation went surprisingly easily, but it seems the renegade Asterite is focusing his efforts now. You push your back against the wall, trying to cleave through the endless barrage, but this time there’s too many of them.
“Stay back!” You shout as the hands scrape against your armour. They can’t seem to get through the tetraceramide, but in some cases they don’t even need to — the strength of their blunt strikes is enough to fill the room with the echoes of your grunts. The armour can only protect you so much, when something is not trying to cut or pierce through.
What’s worse, Willow only has her empty hands to fight with.
No, wait. There’s—
Something else…
You reach for Carnaval’s feather, the crimson blood inside it glowing a faint crimson. Barely able to hold onto it together with the rod you pass it to Willow’s hands.
“Take this!”
Her grey eyes widen, as she hesitates.
“Just do—”
Before you can finish your words the hands coil around your neck and another pushes you against the wall, making you feel stunned — everything feels dizzy, the room swims… you lose strength on your arms as the metal fingers begin to squeeze on your windpipe.
Starless Night.
With the pressure of the hand together with the one compressing the space around you, it makes it hard to breathe.
M-May Ansàrra conserve you…
Your eyelids flutter, and you try to cut through the hands, when—