The road continues for another couple hours. You don't run into any challenges on the way, and the spirit that accosted you doesn't return.
It's been a long journey, but you're finally here. You can feel your pace increase, last reserves of energy kicking in as the eastern wall of Vallaki becomes visible at the end of the woods. The wall is a great palisade, fifteen feet high, made of logs held together with thick ropes and mortar, and the top of each log is sharpened to a point. Thick fog presses up against the wall, as though looking for a way inside, hoping to catch the town aslumber.
The dirt road ends at a set of sturdy iron gates. Planted in the ground and flanking the road outside the gates are a half-dozen pikes with wolves' heads impaled on them.
A pair of shadowy figures stand behind the gates. As you get close, they hail you. The gate is closed, and locked shut with heavy iron padlocks.
"Hail," says one of the guards. They look like commoners, dressed in chain mail shirts, holding pikes."Keep your distance, and identify yourselves."
"I am Aranual," you say, "Cleric of Kossuth. And this is Ireena, brother of Ismark Kolyanovich, the active burgomaster of Barovia." The relief is palpable in your voice. "We have travelled from Barovia, and seek to enter the city for safety."
"Vallaki is closed at night," the guard says. "You cannot enter. Return in the morning."
You reach for a response, but you can't find one. The town is right here, you walked all that way to reach it before nightfall... and now you are denied entry right at the gate?
Ireena steps forward. "We've been traveling on foot for 3 days," she says. "I am fleeing from the influence of Strahd von Zarovich, traveling with this cleric adventurer under the recommendation of my brother. Your town is out of the view of Castle Ravenloft. We have been attacked on the road several times. We would appreciate it if you would let us through the gates."
"You could be servants of Strahd," the other guard says. "Creatures of the night, disguised as lost burgomasters' siblings. Surely, if you walked this far, you can wait another night to gain entry."
Ireena looks at you, waiting for you to make a call.
>You are furious. Attack the guards.>These guards are just commoners doing their jobs. They will let you in if you reason with them. (Persuasion, DC 20)>Kossuth burns all who oppose his followers. Warn the guards not to cross him. (Intimidation, DC 17)>Pretend to obey their command, but sneak into the town. Surely there is a way in somewhere. (Perception, DC 15, followed by Stealth, DC 15)>Offer a bribe to enter the city. (Charisma, DC 15 / maximum 20 GP value worth of items)>Camp outside the city. You will enter first thing in the morning.>Cast a spell or use an item (list:>Other (specify)