>The Gilded Weaver (Gold, Persistence, Trickery)>Abilities: None>Level: 1>Corpus: 20/20>Ichor: 10/20>Income: +10, +10 (the Bubble)>Location: The Emptiness>>6175652The Golden Spider struggles and struggles out of its exoskeleton as he molts, having grown to almost twice the size that he was before. A few spasms to make sure his limbs don't get stuck and a small amount of time to harden his shell later he is as resplendent as ever.
>>6176542Before he could get to work, The Gilded Weaver faced the Coreward as he caught the declaration of the Dark Star. He stood motionlessly and observed what the world would look like, and found it lacking. Lacking in shinyness, lacking in determination and lacking in wit. This would have to be rectified, but first...
The Spider communicated back by rubbed both of foremost legs together. ''Most certainly,Star Brother, I shall contribute to this creation. However, not at this moment! For a this moment I must make sure that I have the means to contribute!''
>Action 1: Scavenge Pot of Gold for 4 Ichor>Action 2: Create The Great Golden Web(Gold,Persistence,Trickiness), Size 6,costing 8 Ichor>Action 3: Create 5 units of a Mortal race of called the Gleaming Arachnids(Gold,Persistence,Trickiness),costing 6 IchorAnd so, on that, The Aureate Arthropod would begin his first project. An intricate Great Web of flexible Gold, linked between itself with an unatural strength and durability uncharacteristic of natural gold. Of course, those unaccustomed to navigating it will quickly find themselves ensnared and tangled up in golden threads, with little ways of escaping. This Web of course was not nearly the size of what the Weaver wished it to be, but it was a start and in time it would eventually connect everything. To maintain it, The Golden Spider fashioned more spiders in his image, made of Gleaming Gold and unwilling to give up their work until it is completed. With the weaving skills of golden orb-weavers and the agility of jumping spiders they shall prove themselves to be fine workers of the Web. He establishes himself as Absolute God over his creations, as he is the one who will continually expand the Great Web and scatters them to all the hidden corners of the Web.
Done and spent from his exhaustive weaving, The Gilded Weaver sets himself down on his Web and brings his legs together closer to his body so that he may sleep.
>The Gilded Weaver (Gold, Persistence, Trickery)>Abilities: None>Level: 1>Corpus: 20/20>Ichor: 0/20>Income: +10, +10 (the Bubble),(+20 next turn from both Bubble and mortals)>Location: The Emptiness(Great Golden Web)>Gold: 11/6>Persistence:11/6>Trickiness:11 /6