>>6025541>>6025995"Prepare a balanced loadout, Senara."
Once Senara prepares her spells, we have Ely unlock the gate.
As we wander through the tunnels descending deeper and deeper, we notice the tunnels are of carved stone and full of burial spots, with skeletons wrapped in bandages stored in holes then covered with some kind of plaster. Several of the plaster holes are busted open and in many of them the skeletons are missing. The entire corridor has weird Dark Language carvings all over the place. You make a conscious effort not to read the words, but from a quick glance it seems they are telling the story of the people buried there.
After descending for what seems like an eternity, you arrive at a much vaster chamber. In there, a bunch of children dancing! They seem to be ignoring us.
"These children... they aren't alive!", says Chez, trying to touch a child and having his hand get through it.
"We could destroy them all.", says Senara. "I have just the spell..."
"The tunnels go into three different directions from here.", says Ely.
> Have Senara destroy the children ghosts> Start destroying the ghosts yourself with your sword> Head into the left corridor> Head into the center corridor> Head into the right corridor