>>5708500>Do you feel the writing quality improved, decreased, remains at the same level?I can't judge writing quality as I don't know what makes good writing, my only criteria of judgement is whether I like [thing] or not, and I like this [thing], so there you go.
>Who's your favorite character so far?Biased answer: Ryner (despite the dice preventing him from living up to his backstory, and of course, to the art), although I fear the dice will kill him before I can add his rival (/possible love interest?) to the quest.
Unbiased answer: Our boy Sidri himself, it's rare for me to like protagonists, let alone have them as my favorite character, but I really like our little Scam user.
>What's your favorite moment of the quest so far?Any fight we didn't almost die.
>What's the funnier moment so far?While there's many funny moments, the funniest one, which is quite unexpected (irrational even), is a single word: "Slame". I probably mentioned it before, but even now, just remembering it makes me laugh.
>What's the sadder moment so far?Losing our home. But the first one, having to abandon father, our home, and the lack of knowledge making us hate mother for a while, all pretty depressing in hindsight.
Losing our second home was more infuriating than sad for me.
>What do you want to see more of?Like the others, see a little more of what everyone else is doing could be interesting. I particularly want to see what Wano has been up to as of late.
>What do you want to see less of?We all want the dice to be less cursed, but nothing we can do about that.
(the attempts of inserting a certain someone into the waifu wars)It took me way too long to type this post.
>>5709075>"The fuck is delta Pokémon?">Google>"Ahhh"Should I play Insurgence?
Anyways, as much as a Pokémon quest could give me what the games are refusing to (an adventure), I don't know if I'll have enough time to follow two quests... But I'll at least open a new tab with it, and keep it at the back of my mind.