>>5204869Wise words indeed.
>>5204878>>5204898>>5204997You wanted to see the lady in a short time so you asked her kindly.
-Why not coming to my lands in two weeks my Lady ? I am sure we could enjoy the beauty of Local together !
She looked at you and smiled, seeming to agree.
-I have not returned to Local since I was a little girl. Thank you very much.
And so it was done. Unfortunately you had to cut short your conversation. Because Oldfossil told you that you had to hurry up. The baron would be ready in an hour and you needed to get prepared. To be honest you were happy to have the occasion to remove your chainmail and dress in a doublet, even if you could wear it for some days it could be painful, especially when you had to court a lady and not wage war. You chose a fancy doublet and your most impressive chaperon and once dressed and armed with your sword you decided to go towards the great hall.
You were flanked by the brave Oldfossil who was always ready to help and the young Bohémond. Of course your other servants were of low birth and of a too uncouth company to be allowed there. The simple fact of imagining Ancel eating at a lord's table and not being thrown some things by you to eat was funny enough. You wanted to be a bit in advance and you walked in the corridors of the keep when you stumbled upon the other lady of the barony, Lady Sue. She was wearing men's clothes that would have her burned at the stake in more civilised lands and she had her sword sheathed not at her side but at her back. It was a one handed sword and you wondered why she would have her sword at her back ? Of course most of the people during the homage would stand still but after this, during the feast, she would have to sit. How did she planned to do it ? Lords and Ladies had seats and were not on benches during the feast if what said Oldfossil was to be believed. But after all she was a red headed woman so she was probably stubborn like a peasant from Brittany. You wanted to excuse yourself and pass by but she stopped you and began to talk. Your first reaction was self-satisfaction, after all it was beautiful women who stopped you on your tracks. Then it was fear, you hoped that she would not pronounce another rant about the goodness of "Marignesques" politics if you could call like that her attacks against our good and right feudal society. Fortunately you were relieved when she spoke shortly, even if she was frowning at you and looking intensely at you when she spoke.
-Lord de Villeroi, I have seen you fighting, and even if I did not discovered your trick to beat lord Hostil you can be sure that I will learn what it is.
You recoiled, shocked, she thought that you had cheated ! You, Charles de Villeroi, a cheater ! Tonnerre ! You only fought with faith, good steel and your legendary skill with the blade ! But, being before a lady, you preferred to remain polite.