>>6177308No, we make them in house.
>>6177308White Moon Cyboforms.
I'm not yet sure how many have been deployed to the hospital or what the groundside situation is, but Metroplex has had two encounters with White Moon cells with cyboform backup and so I am including them on the estimated paths. I'm currently trying to get as clear a signal as I can to adjust for local conditions.
What they are is a parallel development path to remote infantry drones, though usually cyboforms are enhanced, vat-grown, synthetically adjusted or cybernetically augmented biological systems with a sizable adaption or incorporation of tech. They rely heavily on <span class="mu-s">Instincts</span> and are prone to aggressive displays if not managed by a handler, but the White Moon uses them a lot because they are producible at scale and disposable (in their opinion) and have a lower industrial footprint than RID drones, which require a signficantly larger industrial base to effectively produce, maintain and operate. Each cyboform system is paired with or trained to operate with a small cell of operatives, and you get a lot of leeway in the mission profile they can accomodate given a lot of the routines and decisions are handled by the biological components. We've talked before about how RID systems struggle in totally novel situations, well, Cyboforma don't have that precise problem though they may manifest behaviour that is decidedly undesirable.
>>6177324You're right, Agent Graphite. I heard they grow so used to their exo-armors that the pair together - bio-exo suit and human mind - become a larger whole. Unlike the Extropians though, they can always take... the gear.. off. I'm not sure any of them have ever really returned to civilian life but it remains a possibility, at least. You can't quite say the same for Extropians.
As for the White Moon, you're... correct again, Agent. Yeah. This is the worst case of Code White this hopsital will ever see if it's lucky.
My estimate and guess is that because Mr. Nakamura burned <span class="mu-s">sizable</span> assets having an unscheduled run-in with a secondary opposition group (The Chironans) at the dormitory Team #1 was at while we were taking care of things at the Obsidian Tide, he's had to improvise and reach out to other sectors of the ethically dubious shooters-for-hire economy. He's running out of Red Cranes, his own teams and morale.
The White Moons are not the kind of people anyone contacts if they're having a <span class="mu-s">good</span> day.
I can't say it fills me with confidence that we're facing them, but it does mean that our work and constant ability to stay two steps ahead of Singularity Cloud and Mr. Nakamura must be severely curtailing their operations.