Quoted By:
Immediate goals:
- Convince Anthea Aves to not flamethrower you
- Don't die
Short-term goals:
- Find Lottie
- Prevent Lottie evil god murder rampage (if applicable)
- Stick up mini-siphons (12 remaining)
- Blow up Headspace
- Don't die
Long-term goals:
- Don't die
- Stop being such a pussy
- Stop stuttering
- Get those bitches to stop calling you Bug Man
- Get laid
- Whatever Lottie wants you to do? (Beat up the mask guy and steal the thing back or whatever)
- Get the goddamn evil god stuff out of Lottie, like you were supposed to do and failed miserably at, like the sad sack of shit you are
- Did Lottie actually kill 5 people? If she did, does it really matter? Should you ask her about it?
- Why did Lottie kill Richard? (You support it 100%, you just don't know what the circumstances were.) Why did he come back freakishly nice? Why is he gone again? Is he coming back? What is going on here?
- Where did Lottie get the evil god stuff? (Why were you too much of a pussy to exorcise it?) Is she sure she has a handle on it? Is it going to kill her? You? Destroy everything? Why does she not seem worried about it
- Why does Lottie keep turning into giant reptile things? One time is a fluke, twice is a coincidence, but it has happened at *least* three times and at that point it's an unnerving pattern-- she's not secretly a snake, right? You wouldn't even have room to judge if she was; you wish she'd just tell you
- How does Lottie do the things she does? Not the regular things. You mean the not-regular things. She says she "thinks positive," but-- come on, a real explanation. Does she even have a real explanation? (You used to think it was Richard's fault, but he's gone!) Does she even realize how fucked-up she is? Goddammit, you didn't mean it like that
- You didn't mean she was a fucked-up person-- you mean, she is, but in the sense that she's *been* fucked up by somebody else, like it's not debatable, you've seen Richard fucking with her mind-- but he's gone. He didn't make her jack that lady's body. Right? So there's something else fucked-up with her. And you're not even saying it's her fault-- you don't think she's lying to you-- she can't lie for shit. She's a good person. There's just... something about her... that isn't normal. She's not a normal person.
- Why is Lottie not a normal person?
- Why are you such a slimy, underhanded, ungrateful piece of shit? You can't think about her like that. It's not like you're any better. You function worse in the world than she does and you don't have a guy in your head ruining your life 24/7. The guy in your head is cool. You should be buying Lottie a drink for being as normal as she manages to be. What's <span class="mu-i">your</span> excuse? Your pops was a bit of a dick? Look at hers! You got beetled? You're fine with that now. Maybe she's different because she has a spine, and you--
-- <span class="mu-i">Gil.</span>
- What?
-- <span class="mu-i">Not the right place.</span>
- Aw, yeah. Shit. ...Sorry.
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