Quoted By:
>INI 15- J-5 Wesker-[5] Attacks xx16 T-16s. ATK 6 vs DEF 1, Auto-Hit. PRC 7 vs ARM 3, +2 Damage. 1 Target Destroyed.
>INI 13- qq16 Prince Basil’s Pan-B Heavy Tanks-[2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3] Attack xx16 T-16s, ww15 T-8s with 4.5cm and 2cm cannons. ATK 4 vs DEF 1, 2+ to Hit. 2cms require 10s to damage T-16s. 1 Hit on T-16s, 1 damaged, 3 on T-8s, 1 T-8 knocked out, 2 damaged.
INI 13- Caelussian Paramarines deploy smoke- attacks against them spoiled.
>INI 12- J-1 Zufalligdorf-[9, 6, 3] Attacks ww44 T-8Rs. ATK 5 vs DEF 3, 3+ to Hit. 3 hits, Targets Destroyed.
>INI 11- xx16 T-16-[5] Fires on J-4 Giovanni. ATK 3 vs DEF 3+2, 7+ to Hit. No hits.
>INI 10- J-3 Niel-[5, 9] Attacks T-8R, ATK 3 vs DEF 3, 5+ to Hit. Target Destroyed.
>INI 9- J-4 Giovanni-[6, 1] Fires on xx16 T-16s- ATK 6 vs DEF 1, Auto-Hit. Target Destroyed.
The end of the fiercest day of the Battle of Kobberhus, though none knew it at the time, was an abortive probing by Twaryian reinforcement elements, late to the battle. To the north, the Chimeras cleared away the majority of the reinforcing units before they even realized they were under attack, stray T-8s beating a hasty retreat as Petrekoran tanks raked them with cannon fire.
A similar probe to the east was interdicted by Lieutenant Von Zufalligdorf- the recon tanks shattered so quickly, their accompanying light tanks also turned right back round and left. The most dramatic event involving the ill-fated probing attacks was that a single T-16 to the north managed to get a shot off, which found no target.
Of much greater excitement was the continued chase of the suspected Caelussians- they were not merely allowed to go free, regardless of the fact they were clearly fleeing. They hardly offered themselves up as easy targets, though- every time the pursuing forces readied shots to cow this unknown enemy, they managed to be just slightly faster in preparing an escape. This time, they repeated an earlier stunt utilizing smoke grenades, before retreating further in the cover the sudden bursts of sparking white fog gave them.
It wasn’t long before they had reached near the east tree line where their armored counterparts had just melted away from view- a frustrating development, but there was some solace to be had in that the Twaryian lines were surely in chaos. These interlopers couldn’t run far- and they were far from out of the realm of possibility to catch in the pursuit.
In addition to the frustrations of actually catching the creeps, a portion of enemy airpower had decided to focus their enmity on the battalion’s tanks. A pair of ostensibly friendly fighters above swooped down to defend- one gave chase to an enemy fighter after they blazed past one another forwards, guns rattling, while the second shot up one of the ground attack craft, smoke pouring out and the airplane veering to the side, but a remaining plane still headed forth…