Thread 1 my discord for the latest updates days passed.
As usual, you sit in you soft real leather reclining chair. You slowly sink down, with most work done, not much was to be done. While there were other work that needed to be executed, another part of your duty was to ensure the smooth running of the main Administratum. This meant checking up on other officios, delegating work or requests. The duties of an Undersecretary was many and vague.
“Throne, I’m bored.”
“Good, boring means nothing is happening.” Sgian dryly said.
“Yup, at least we’re not swimming parchments.” Tanto brightly chimed in. “Maybe we can go home early today!”
“Don’t get used to it. More work will come,” Pugio warned. “They always do.”
Sgian nodded silently.
“Well, until it happens maybe we can relax a little, let the other adepts do some work.”
You placed your feet on the table and ripped out a drawn out yawn.
“So, any news about Cadia?”
Sgian shook his head.
“None, ma’am.”
“Great. Hmm… eh might as well. Tanto, bring me the parchment on Sparta.”
The parchments, provided by the Pioneering Corps, contained the information on the Feral World suitable for new Cadia. Cliffs, forests, alps, a mountainous world. The only reason the world had yet to be used was due to being a hunting ground for high nobles, was, taking the land with your authority was easy. A little too easy, but you supposed that was nothign to worry about.
“You don’t think Cadia will fall?” Tanto nervously said.
“No, I doubt it. But it never hurts to prepare.” You shrugged. “Cadia won’t fall.”
Your office door opened with a dull creak. A young boy, carrying the symbol but not the authority, an acolyte. The boy bowed.
“Madame Undersecretary. I come from Lord Inquisitor Trevaine and Inquisitor Cassius Callous.”
“The Somnus Citadel is now available for your visit. While the Inquisitor will not be available to escort you, a complimentary cruiser escort will be there.”
“Took him long enough.”
Though credit where it’s due, the fact that he found a sister of Anathema Psykana surprised you.