>>6142215“This one relies heavily on you. There is a client who wants some robots salvaged. I know where we can get them. As for the catch, I’ll go over it as we drive over there.”
With that in mind, you quickly gear up and drive to the edge of Darkrock per Adam’s directions. The run-down apartments, massive factories, and sparse shops give way to scrap houses, community greenhouses, and graffiti-filled streets populated with rough-looking people of all walks. Orcs take the majority, and most stare at your car passing through their part of town.
“Okay, here’s the situation, RoMoe’s going to dump their scrap here and bail. My sources tell me that some of this scrap contains faulty, but otherwise good parts and bodies. Problem is, the locals and scavs here usually have first dibs and don’t like outsiders coming in on their piece of the pie.” Adam summaried.
“So no just walking in getting the parts, and walking out?”
“Yup, unless you think we’re lucky.”
“Well, what else should I know?”
“We need three robots capable of video recording, climbing, and probing. They will pay extra for combat and stealth capability.”
“Got it.” You reply.
Rolling through the area as fast as possible you eventually come upon the vast scrapyard. Piles of plastic, polymer, and metal go a miles out. Parking in between two mounds out of sight you climb the pile and scope out the situation. Drones and scavs patrol and pick apart the valuable from the worthless, filling crates and loading pickup a truck with the haul. Thankfully you don’t see any guns, yet.
Adam points towards a row of dump trucks getting rid of there load nearby. An armed security escort scaring any opportunist until they are done. You note that you could also steal the truck the scavs have. A good haul without any labor on your end. Finally you could wait for the groups to leave and see if they left anything good. Saving a potential fight but the rewards may be little.
“I count eight in total with the scavs already here, one near the truck, three on lookout, and four currently digging.” You say.
“I see six guards, armed with what looks like submachine guns. Packing some armor too. With an orc gang keeping their distance near the dump site. How are we gonna do this?” Adam gives you an expectant look.
>Steal the scavs truck>Instigate a fight between the groups>Wait for the groups to clear out>Attempt Negotiation (who) >Write-In