>>5774101Your question is met with awkward silence. After clearing his throat several times, the soldier finally mumbles something under his breath. You repeat your question:
"The name of the company, for Luna's sake"
"It's Dyrnwyn's Black Sun EnterCom."
"What did you say? I think my ears just popped from the ascent"
"Dyrnwyn's Black Sun EnterCom goddamnit"
You laugh and laugh until the world around you starts spinning and you have to catch your breath. The pilot turns round with an irritated look:
"What are you idiots getting up to back there? Air ain't free. Don't talk unless it's better than silence."
Well, you would gladly pay good money for such an expert prank anyway. This whole thing was an elaborate setup; must be Frank from loyalty assurance, that guy has always been a bag of laughs. But hiring several actors and even a shuttle? That's some next-level dedication. You glance around, trying to find the hidden camera streaming the whole thing to your office. Wait... the cold starts creeping up your back. Is your boss in on this? How could he maintain a cool face all the while reading through your resignation? The stream of questions slowly whirling out of control in your mind is suddenly halted.
"I know what are thinking. Don't worry, the company's as legit as it gets. Your old geezer loved shitty jokes wherever he could get away with it, but was dead serious when it mattered. The ridiculous name is still bad for morale, so we should probably change it first chance we get. Any other questions?"
"My father, how was he like? You must know, having fought so long under him."
"As I already said, a failed comedian until the coils start singing. Other than that, not much. He likes to keep people at arm's length, probably the reason why he could never hold on to any woman for long. You should be able to read his logs for yourself once we get back to the ship."
Why would he lead mother on like that if he never intends to bear the responsibility? You don't know that you can despise the man even more than you did. To think of the hundreds of half-brothers and sisters he must have abandoned in the same way makes you want to gag.
"What about his other children? Why me and not them?"
A look of surprise crosses his face.
"What children? As far as I know he only seduced women, not screwed them. I almost thought him a closet case at some point until I learned of your existence. Listen to me. I know this may not mean much but your old man had his reasons. I haven't a single clue what they might be but they better be damn good ones cause he just didn't strike me as the careless or, worse, disloyal type. You could never forgive him, hell, I wouldn't if I were you, but at least try to know him. Then you could hate him for who he actually was instead of who you thought him to be."
A cold silence hangs over the cabin as you mull over the man's words. You are compelled to chase it off, however, as the largest question still remains.