>>6156244>>6156245>>6156255Investigating the strange disappearances, the dryads discover there are a bunch of vampires living underground. They aren't interested in the dryads because they don't have the kind of blood they drink, but when they saw some gnomes they ate them.
The vampires told the dryads that they consider trespassing if anyone enters their caves, and they will kill and eat them.
> Attack the vampires> Stay out of the caves> Send the dryads to negotiate (what)You decide to feed the small winter demon! It gets very pleased with all the food and stays almost all winter! Then it leaves flying towards the north.
You ignore the bandit's feeble threats.
On Spring you meet with the elders to iron out the terms of the Levy.
"The customary law says we must provide a levy. But what kind of obligations you have in mind, lord?"
> Moderate. Every settlement needs to provide one warrior. Moderate unrest. (+1 food consumption)> Taxing. Every rich landowner needs to provide one warrior. High unrest. (+3 food consumption)> Delusional. Every large family needs to provide one son. Ridiculous unrest. (how are you gonna feed this many soldiers?)In the summer, you build more housing! Ten more wooden houses are added to our burgeoning village!
In fall, we build another caravan inn!
During winter, we decide to train more gnome loyalists to be spear-gnomes! We promise them better housing. How many do we want to train?
> Ten more. Puts some strain in our supplies, but is doable.> Twenty more. Put significant strain in our supplies. (+1 food consumption)> Thirty more. We can barely feed this many warriors, we better focus on food. (+2 food consumption)The small winter demon returns, with a bunch of other demons! But we don't have enough food to feed them...
They get angry and eat 30 of our cattle before leaving.
The human who left with the horse returns with another rider, a young priestess of Phemera!
When she heard of the goddess apparition, she decided to come here and preside the cult. But she will charge 500 silver per year.
> Let the human priestess preside the cult (agree to pay her 500 silver per year)> Tell her to go away, we will preside the cult ourselves