>>5453474“You not need me?” Ivno asked when you informed him he would not be joining you this time, looking both relieved and crestfallen at once, somehow; a talent of kobolds.
“I don’t suspect House Yvonlace would dare beatray me now,” you said brusquely. “However, I need a loyal warrior with a cautious inclination here… To supervise and protect the Novice and our assets.”
“Y-yes, King Theral!” he says, bowing his head low.
You hesitated, then. You have let the elves call you this… But are you really ready to accept this even among your own servants? Names aren’t traditional among the Master Race, who prefer titles. Then again, it means ‘Copper’ in dark elventongue… Maybe it’s appropriate. But then… Is the title o ‘king’ truly yours? Or is the title, and the name, just a diplomatic posture to wield against mammals—a tool?
In the end, you…
>Accepted this name and title as yours in truth>Told the kobold that just ‘Theral’ will do>Asserted that you are the Dragonborn Antipaladin; the rest is stagecraft>Write-in