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With the pressure mounting, you use your suits boost to zip back into the cargo bay. As you bank into the cavern, you glance at your master readout.
<span class="mu-g">Suit Integrity: 100 %
Suit Charge: 91 %
Boost: 93 %
Air: 88 %
Cutting Gas: 93 %
Cutting Flux: 91 %</span>
When you look away from the readout, you immediately notice that another one of the wreckers has moved into the bay, looking for conduit - though at this moment they are hacking into the hull around the socket for the cargo loader. You figured that would happen as soon as someone laid eyes on it, but it still gives you pause. If this wrecker isn't contentious enough to follow the rules, then that means that they probably wouldn't hesitate to work right on top of you. For now, there really isn't anything to say.
> Please choose ONE of the following:
> Go back to looking through the boxes floating through the hold. Surely one of them has something more interesting in them then a ripped liner. (Suit Charge - 3 %, Air - 4 %)
> Go back to the copula, go through the hatch in the ceiling and head further into the ship. (Suit Charge - 3 %, Air - 4 %)
> Go back to the copula and investigate those papers. It is possible that something in there could point you towards a significant find ... or it could all be trash. (Suit Charge - 3 %, Air - 4 %)
> You need to stop playing around and get to work. You need one hundred and ninety four more clean cubits of conduit if you want that console to pay out. Go to where you cut into the ceiling panels, and then move towards the aft of the ship. As you are (presumably) moving further away from the power plant, you can expect less conduit, but also the electricals to have fewer worms. (Suit Charge - 3 %, Air - 3 %, Cutting Gas - 2 %, Cutting Flux - 1 %) (Slightly quicker as you have already started pulling)
> You need to stop playing around and get to work. You need one hundred and ninety four more clean cubits of conduit if you want that console to pay out. Go to where you cut into the ceiling panels, and then move towards the fore of the ship. As you are (presumably) moving closer to the power plant, you can expect more conduit, but also the electricals to have more worms. (Suit Charge - 3 %, Air - 3 %, Cutting Gas - 2 %, Cutting Flux - 1 %) (Slightly quicker as you have already started pulling)