>>5659780>>5659878>>5659943>>5660138>>5660183>>5660464Conventional wisdom dictates that your next destination is to be the Bell Market. Located just outside of the All-Faiths Hall, the large bell situated at Everlund's heart and the market surrounding it is certain to be a hub of unconstrained conversation. You are sure to pick up on something that could lead to an audience with Emitia, so long as you are willing to listen.
The sights and smells of commerce tempt your senses, but you have come here with a different purpose in mind, at least for the moment. Set to your purpose, you scan the faces in the crowds, some familiar, some not. At least one individual here might have something intriguing to share. Perchance one of them is even on a social footing with her.
Who shall you speak with first?
>That gnome who always deceives me into buying his ridiculous surface-wear, he should be able to assist me. Preferably without parting me from my money.>The inconspicuous half-woman selling produce over there is seems to know every one of her customers personally. Surely she has learned something of import.>[Agility] Ilanis is over there, speaking with... Arara? I could approach them undetected and eavesdrop on them. It is not often that one has an opportunity like this.>I see an incredibly suspicious male human wearing an eyepatch who peddles expensive-looking curios. He gives off the impression of being 'in the know.'>The remarkably unremarkable book merchant is standing there, selling his books in a fashion most unremarkable. I could listen to what he has to say, and purchase some new literature in the meanwhile.