Alright just about ready to finally get going. Just have to make sure I've got everybody how they're supposed to be. A few notables-
1. C-2 Sikorsky's down a vehicle. 4 tanks were recovered- only one m/24-32 type wasn't. I presumed you wanted to stay even, but if I'm wrong, well, you know.
2. A few of the Dragoons wanted mortars/guns. Just tell me what proportion of your subunits you want them to be and I'll adjust. Keep in mind that this reduces the subunit hit points to two so long as it's a gun crew, and anything larger than a light AT gun requires a turn to set it up- this set up turn does not apply to the normal infantry accompaniment in the unit.
You might also notice the (low res) portraits. I did get around to them- though they're monochrome, not as clean as I'd like them...but so are the vehicle pictures. Ah well. Underwhelming I'm sure, but I am happy that the spaces aren't empty anymore. At least, not for anybody but the new people.
I shaved the workload down by exempting the folks who I'm guessing aren't gonna be back. No spite towards them, but I just want to keep things going.
If, for some reason, you want higher resolution of portraits, that can be provided, but I doubt you'd get much more out of them than now.
Of course, if you want them changed, hate them, or whatever, feel free to demand edits.
In any case, we'll be moving right along tomorrow. Not the day after tomorrow. Hopefully.
>>5559890>So is polygamy an Old Church thing, or specifically a Twaryian cultural practice that the Church closes one eye about?It isn't either of them, really, more of a government action predicated upon the old times back during the initial migration, where continued fighting meant that the male population was low- an unideal measure even then. It isn't supported by the faith, the culture, or even the people's morals really, it's an action of the state.