>>5752394Walking behind the girls while they say the songs they would like to sing, you approach the girls to find out more about the activities your sister does at school.
"And what do you do for fun at school?" You ask, smiling at how your sister's group seems pretty close.
Hikari immediately turns around to answer. "We built a house in the back of the school!"
"What?" You look at the other girls for confirmation, and as expected, it seems that the short girl exaggerated things a bit.
Masuyo decides to explain things to you in more depth. "We didn't build a house, what we did was build a small shed so that our water bottles don't get too hot under the sun while we are in PE."
"Wow, that sounds awesome." You can't help but say, drawing giggles from Hikari and Suzuko, and small proud smiles from Masuyo and Rei, before focusing on your sister. "Why didn't you tell me about that, Suzu-chan?"
Suzuko concentrates on looking straight ahead, so you can't see her expression. "I only handed out tools to the senpais, I didn't do much, really."
"They only let us make the door!" Something that bothered Hikari, from what looks like.
"But only they have experience using the machines." Rei speaks softly, trying to be understanding.
"And they were the ones who brought the wooden planks and the other things, it's not like we had much of a choice." Masuyo declares conclusively, before turning to look at you. "We don't do things like that every day, we almost always have fun with the girls from the music club or watch horror shorts."
"We also went through magazines with the sewing club looking for ideas for dresses and uniforms." Add your sister.
"Or we organize the choreographies of our cheerleading squad!" Sum Hikari.
The girls laugh heartily at the last, even Rei, though she tries to hide it. You can't help but smile, even if you don't understand what is surely an inside joke between them, at the obvious and genuine friendship right before your eyes.
When you arrive at the place, the guy behind the counter gives you an amused smile as he greets you, watching the girls who examine every corner of the reception as if hiding a secret room.
"I haven't seen you in a while, and I see you bring in some new clients." He tells you, charging you before handing you the keys to one of the rooms.
"We'll try not to break anything, sir." You smile at him, before herding the girls out into the hallway.
"And do either of you have a older siblings?" You ask, something curious.
"I have two brothers!" Hikari answers, reaching the door marked number five and standing anxiously next to it.
"I have a sister." Reveals Masuyo, intrigued by your question.
"I only have a younger brother." Rei whispers, walking against the wall.
"That's great, Rei-san. We have to stick together then, taking care of spoiled brats isn't easy." You reply back to her, earning the girls giggles and another poke in the ribs from a pouting Suzuko.